"Why Do Countries Subsidize Investment and Not Employment?"
University of Munich
Staatswirtschaftliches Institut
University of Munich
Staatswirtschaftliches Institut
Paper ID: NBER Working Paper No. 6685
Date: August 1, 1998
Email: Mailto:clemens.fuest@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
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The governments of nearly all industrialised countries use
subsidies to support the economic development of specific
sectors or regions with high rates of unemployment. Conventional
economic wisdom would suggest that the most efficient way to
support these regions or sectors is to pay employment subsidies.
We present evidence showing that capital subsidies are
empirically much more important than employment subsidies. We
then discuss possible explanations for the dominance of
investment subsidies and develop a simple model with
unemployment to explain this phenomenon. In our model,
unemployment arises due to bargaining between unions and
heterogenous firms that differ with respect to their
productivity. Union bargaining power raises wage costs and leads
to a socially inefficient collapse of low productivity firms and
a corresponding job loss. Union-firm bargaining also gives rise
to underinvestment. In this framework, it turns out that an
investment subsidy dominates an employment subsidy in terms of
welfare. The reason is that investment subsidies are a more
efficient instrument to alleviate the underinvestment problem
and to raise the number of operating firms.
JEL Classification: H20, J51
Robin Hanson
hanson@econ.berkeley.edu http://hanson.berkeley.edu/
RWJF Health Policy Scholar, Sch. of Public Health 510-643-1884
140 Warren Hall, UC Berkeley, CA 94720-7360 FAX: 510-643-8614
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