McKinley: lewis/l'engle/paterson

From: <>
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 20:09:05 PST

hello! it seems to me that at least a few writers of children's books may
draw upon their religious faith in their writings(c.s. lewis, of course, but
maybe madeleine l'engle[a wrinkle in time] and katherine paterson[bridge to
terabithia], too) - can you all recommend any books where these writers(or
others) speak about the intersection of their faith and their writing? i
don't mean just "christian writers" of children's books, but writers of any
religious faith, such as jane yolen or louis lowry, whose books often center
around jewish faith and history... thanks!

take care,
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Received on Sun Dec 10 20:12:15 2000

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