Re: McKinley: favorite 5 fantasy/sci-fi?

From: Shannon Terry <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 2000 - 07:46:14 PDT

Congratulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaations! Hope you had a nice wedding!

I can't read the Giving Tree without bawling, no matter how many times I
read it.

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 23:20:01 EDT, wrote:

> Hi! I just want to let everyone know that I have just gotten married!
> Congrats/regrets to me!
> Anyway, I am living at my husband's apartment until the house is built,
> didn't bring all my books (too many of them) so I'm trying to remember
what I
> have read.
> I have a lot of "The Spanish Bit Saga" books by Don Colesmith/Coldsmith
> can't remember the spelling.) They are a series of native american books
> are very good and anthropologically sound. I read them 10 years ago, but
> remember loving them a lot!
> The same goes with Barbara Michaels. She writes mystery/romance with a
> supernatural twist that a few years ago I found very entertaining.
> I have "The Enchanted Forest Chronicles" by Patricia Wrede which is all
> light-hearted fantasy which I remember enjoying, as well as Piers
> "Xanth" novels.
> There is a children's book which I love, but can't remember the author
> "The Giving Tree."
> I also enjoyed Mark Twain'e short stories. Specifically "The Diary Of
> And Eve" which is just hilarious, and "Letters from the Earth," which
> you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........
> I KNOW there are others, but they don't come to mind right now.
> Cimmorene
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It's all ketchup:
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it, not happily, for less. But it is not only my life, and you have not
asked, but taken." -Captain Kirk
"Presto! A little white bunny." -Mitch Peleggi
"My apathy is palpable at this moment." -Tom Servo
"We're a pacifist race. We only kill out of personal spite." -Brain Guy
"Because I'm tired of it. Year after year after year after year- Having to
choose between the lesser of who cares." -Leo McGarry

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Received on Fri Oct 20 07:49:16 2000

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