Re: McKinley: favorite 5 fantasy/sci-fi?

From: Jennifer R. J. <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 21:09:21 PDT

     I don't think I can only do 5 books, but maybe 5 series or something
would work. These aren't in any particular order.
1) Weaveworld and Imajica by Clive Barker. It's horror fantasy, but I LOVE
the fantasy worlds in them.
2) The Skolian Series by Catherine Asaro. Romantic hard SF.
3) The Dark Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. Romantic dark fantasy (and I
mean VERY dark).
4) The Family Tree by Sheri S. Tepper. Sort of defies description.
5) The Last Herald Mage and The Arrows Trilogies by Mercedes Lackey. Fantasy.
6) Watership Down by Richard Adams. Fantasy about rabbits.
7) Everything I've read by Robin McKinley.
          Jennifer- sorry I couldn't narrow it down to 5 books

At 11:10 PM 10/17/00 -0400, you wrote:
>hello! i recently started working at my local Walden Bookstore, and for the
>month of october when you buy 4 sci-fi/fantasy books, you get the fifth free
>- i have yet to take advantage of this offer, as i can't decide which 5 books
>to get, and time is running out, so i was just wondering, what are y'all's 5
>favorite fantasy/sci-fi novels of all time? (mine would be: 1. beauty, 2.
>deerskin, 3. hero and the crown, 4. blue sword, 5. left hand of darkness [ok,
>so i'm just a little prejudiced in robin's favor! but i already own all
>those, so i need some new ideas)
>black and silver cats to you,

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