Re: McKinley: memoirs of a geisha

From: <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 04:02:22 PST

I finished that one a few months ago. I highly recommend it, it's
intriguing on so many levels. You find yourself absorbed not only by the
characters, but by the cultural references and explanations.


> hey you guys, i just started reading "memoirs of a geisha", and i cannot put
> it down! go check it out from the library, it is the AWESOMEST book!
> p.s. for people who've read it, i hate hasumomoto! she's such a bitch!
> (pardon my language)

"The light was misty and actinic, the sort of light to
make Steven Spielberg reach for his copyright lawyer."
	-Terry Pratchett, "Equal Rites"
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