McKinley: Showing Off

From: ShanChan <>
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 14:04:24 PDT

Just wanted to show this piece I did in High School, taken from the cover of
an old copy of "Dragondrums." I know they aren't the most popular versions
of the firelizards, but I always liked the delicate ones better than the
heavy-set types... Anyway, my art teacher liked it!

It's all ketchup:

"If it were only my life, and that would stop it- I have sometimes offered
it, not happily, for less. But it is not only my life, and you have not
asked, but taken." -Captain Kirk
"Presto! A little white bunny." -Mitch Peleggi
"My apathy is palpable at this moment." -Tom Servo
"We're a pacifist race. We only kill out of personal spite." -Brain Guy

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Received on Thu Aug 5 14:08:42 1999

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