I taught English to Japanese middle school students with the JET program. I
was sent to Sapporo, Japan. It is a great program, and a good way to see
another country. The pay is decent, they take great care of you, and you
don't have to speak Japanese. (It was my second long stay in Japan, but I
was happy to go back!) You can find information about it at
I also worked with the ESL department at the University of Oregon, as a
workstudy student teaching ESL students how to use computers. They have an
excellent program. Not sure if they are hiring right now, but it wouldn't
hurt to contact them! Their web page is at http://aei.uoregon.edu/
Good luck!
It's all ketchup: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/2783/
"If it were only my life, and that would stop it- I have sometimes offered
it, not happily, for less. But it is not only my life, and you have not
asked, but taken." -Captain Kirk
"Presto! A little white bunny." -Mitch Peleggi
"My apathy is palpable at this moment." -Tom Servo
"We're a pacifist race. We only kill out of personal spite." -Brain Guy
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