Re: [Re: McKinley: HERO AND THE CROWN]

From: Katya <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 10:35:56 PST

As far as the dragon stone goes, as I'm sure you know, it was from the last
drops of blood from Maur's heart. The stones were the prizes that the hero
took back from killing a dragon, not the head (I can't remember whether or
not Luthe or Agsded told Aerin this).

Luthe told Aerin about the stone when she came to him in the mountain valley.
And it is the last drop from the dragon's heart.

If you didn't understand that in the
end Aerin found that she had the tools for the crown all the time and (this
gets a little difficult to explain), that she travelled back in time to
actually create the crown, then you will need to reread the novel. This is
a main part of the book and very important to understanding what happened
and any symbolism.

Are you sure? I've read the book several times, and I always have understood
this: Aerin and Agsded fight in the future ("I really was a long time
climbing?" she asks Luthe) and Aerin continues to go forward in time as the
tower/crag falls (And I really was a very long time falling?). Luthe tells
her that he thought she might like being dragged back (from the future) to
save Damar from the Northerners. It is the future, because she sees her
distant descendant Harry (The Blue Sword, where Aerin is a legend from the
*past*) in the City, in the blue garden with Narknon. As for the crown, she
was always worthy of it, and had everything she needed to inherit
Damar...Agsded had the crown, but Aerin did have what it took to defeat him by
her own power and her own intelligence.

Just my two cent's worth.


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