Re: [Re: McKinley: RETURN OF HARRY]

From: Betty <>
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 08:07:14 PST wrote:
> As long as you cover your mouth when you cough I think we are all safe. LOL
Thanks for the comfort and friendship, Wanda and Cameron. Have a great night

Marie, I sent you a private message, but I wanted to say publicly that if we
are friends, on or off line (and if we aren't, why are any of us here
discussing things we care about as much as the books we read?), than surely
something as big as a family death is always appropriate to mention. May God
be with you and your family, Marie. (And Wanda, make sure you wash your hands
before you type us again! LOL)


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Received on Wed Jan 5 08:08:54 2000

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