
Maria-sama ga Miteru:
Kohitsuji-tachi no Kyuka

(Maria Sama is watching:
Vacation of the Lambs)



"I don't know myself. Maybe something is amiss if there are only the two of us? Or maybe Sachiko-sama would like to have a more boisterous trip? But then, why didn't Sachiko-sama invite her own classmates? I don't mind at all if Sachiko-sama's friends are there. Actually I would like to befriend with them in the first place. Sachiko-sama's tone felt like I can bring along anybody I would like to."

The tone was as if Sachiko-sama would provide the Ogasawaras' summerhouse if Yumi had nothing no plans to go anywhere during the summer. But it was not that Yumi would die for going to the summerhouse. She just wanted to create some memories with Onee-sama. Therefore Yumi felt something strange about this invitation, which turned out as if "there is a company resort around, so bring your friends along!"

"I don't get it."
"You think so too?"
"Nope. I am not even trying to understand what Sachiko-sama is thinking. What I would to ask is Yumi's feelings."
"Why do you not care a bit? Why didn't you say that the two of you are enough?"

Yoshino shot two whys to press for an answer.
"...Nothing really. On second thought, it is not that I need to make it just for the two of us."
"No kidding! Why?"
"Even if you ask me why..."

Yumi thought back. In the New Year at the Ogasawaras' residence, it was pretty fun with Sei-sama. A little before, when Yumi visited Sachiko-sama's grandmother's place, everything worked out because Youko-sama was there. Maybe Sachiko-sama even found it fun to have everyone together doing something exciting, Yumi thought recently.

Yoshino's mumble transmitted clearly through the receiver.
For Yoshino, it was just normal to be with Rei-sama her Onee-sama, and Rei-sama was always her top priority, unreplacable by anything on earth. Therefore it nearly became her habit to say "Unbelievable" when any sister couples different from hers rubbed her the wrong way. For Yumi, the Yellow Rose sisters were the unbelievable pair. It could be called a miracle how close the two could stick together, Yumi often thought to herself.

"But if Yoshino and Shimako were unavaliable..."
What should Yumi do?


Copyright 2003 Konno Oyuki / Shueisha
(C) 2003 今野緒雪・集英社
Translation v1.0 OTYAKU.COM
All rights reserved for original author and translator