23rd March, 2001. 9:35 a.m.
Hi Cameron,
One of my favourite books as a teenager was So Much to Tell You....
by John Marsden (Australian writer) which is about a girl who doesn't
speak and is attending boarding school. She has a physical deformity
from acid having been thrown onto her face. Highly recommend it!
>hello! in addition to my query last time about young adult books
>dealing with physical abuse, does anyone know of any young adult
>novels that address characters dealing with physical deformity of
>some kind, such as burn victims or people with a genetic disease?
>the only ones i know of are _a night without stars_, and one i
>haven't read yet called _lizard_. (and then i guess there's the
>beast in _beauty_/rosedaughter, and probably some of robin's other
>characters i'm forgetting...)
>take care,
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-- Karen Beilharz kkychan@ihug.com.au ICQ 2293920 Mobile: 0408 490 775 "'The rule is," said Vertue, 'that if we have one chance out of a hundred of surviving, we must attempt it: but if we have none, absolutely none then it would be self destruction, and we need not.'" (C.S. Lewis, "The Pilgrim's Regress") [To drop McKinley, tell: majordomo@cco.caltech.edu unsubscribe mckinley]Received on Thu Mar 22 14:48:34 2001
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