Re: McKinley: angels?

From: Tawen Chang <>
Date: Sun Jan 14 2001 - 16:03:21 PST

Songs about angels: You probably know the one by Sarah McLachlan (sp)
called Angel. Then there's Speaking With the Angels by Ron Sexsmith, which
you can find on the Williams/Kaplansky/Schindell CD Cry, Cry, Cry.

Books: In addition to the really good series Shan's talked about, there's
Sharon Shinn's series, which starts out with Archangel. (I think the
series goes down hill from there, but Archangel is very good.)

Films: You probably know City of Angels with Cage/Ryan, but also try the
original, which is called Wings of Desire. (_Very_ strange, but kind of

At 01:33 PM 1/14/01 -0500, you wrote:
>hello! can anyone recommend any good books/movies/songs about angels?
also, sorry this is so vague, but there's this angel picture of a girl with
short(or pulled back?) reddish brown hair, dressed in all white, with her
arms at her sides and her wings rising behind her - it's a pretty
realistic-looking(except for the wings!) picture of a girl(i.e.-as opposed
to medieval-looking pictures of angels), and i used to see it everywhere...
does anyone think they might know the title of/artist who made this picture
or where i might find it on the net? thanks!
>take care,
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Received on Sun Jan 14 15:57:28 2001

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