McKinley: magic the dragon beenie?

From: <>
Date: Thu Jan 11 2001 - 11:16:09 PST

hello! i don't normally collect beenie babies(i don't even know if i'm
spelling "beenie" right!), but i was just wondering if anyone on this list
happens to have a white "magic the dragon" beenie baby for sale? i saw him in
a store window, but when i came back to get him he was gone(and i'm told he's
an "out of print" beenie), but i'm not really energetic enough to go search
for him on ebay or wherever, so i just thought if any of the dragon-lovers on
this list happened to have him for sale that would be lucky for me... thanks!

take care,
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Received on Thu Jan 11 11:20:30 2001

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