Coming out of lurk-land!
I've never been very good at limiting favorites of anything, film, music,
book or otherwise (Hero & the Crown is definitely up there, though). So
here's what I happen to like at the moment.
Elizabeth H. Boyer does nice sword-and-sorcery based in Norse Mythology --
her Wizard's War series has been compared to Tolkein. I must say, though,
that I've been reading and re-reading this series for so long that I don't
know if they're really good or if I'm just nostalgic. They're pretty much
all out of print, though.
Terry Pratchett is good, of course -- funny and *smart,* which is so
important when there's so much vapid fantasy being published these days.
I've also always liked Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider series, although I
haven't read anything she's published in the last ten years or so.
I think, actually, that one of my favorite current fantasy series is actually
Stephen King's Dark Tower series, which is, IMHO, a very cool amalgamation of
fantasy and the macabre. I don't like all of King's books (or even most of
them) but the world in DT is an amazing creation.
(24, New York City)
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