McKinley: pix/boox?

From: <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 20:12:25 PDT

hi! the first part of this message is actually for marie, but i didn't know
her individual address... just wondering if my robin pix have arrived yet? my
home town has literally the worst post-office system in the country, so if
they haven't reached you yet then they may have gotten eaten by the postal
system... on a different note, has anyone read any of the following boox and
are they any good?:

greenmantle, charles delint
harm none, m.r. sellars
job: a comedy of errors, robert heinlein
gate of darkness, circle of light, tanya huff
prism of the night: the biography of anne rice
are anne rice's newer vampire books(pandora, armand, etc) as good as her
lestat starring vampire novels? are her witch chronicles as good as her
vampire ones?
change of subject to ursula k. leguin - which of her books do y'all like?(i
loved _the left hand of darkness_ but she has so many other boox i don't know
where to start!)

take care,
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Received on Mon Sep 25 20:18:21 2000

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