McKinley: robin resources

From: <>
Date: Sun Sep 03 2000 - 19:30:43 PDT

hello! i just sent off my 2 pix of robin to marie to scan and email to the
list, and while i was looking through my desk for the pictures, i found some
other random robin stuff that might interest you all(some of it has already
been mentioned on this list, but i figured i'd mention it again for those who
may have just joined the list...):

"good conversations: a talk with robin mckinley" video - if amazon/your
library doesn't have it, you can get it through interlibrary loan!

robin's newbery award acceptance speech on audio-tape - again, if your
library doesn't have it, you can inter-library loan it; the written
transcript of robin's acceptance speech can be found in a _horn book
magazine: jul-aug 1985_, which also contains an old picture of robin and a
great "essay" on robin by terri windling and mark alan arnold

_something about the author, volume 50_ - has an old picture of robin plus
robin discussing herself/her writing process; vol. 89 also features robin,
but omits most of the personal statements included in vol. 50

_literature for today's young adults_(can't remember which volume, but just
look for robin in the index/table o' contents) - has robin's essay "on the
school assignment letter" and a recent photo

_presenting young adult fantasy fiction_, by cathi dunn macrae, has robin in
it, including some of her thoughts on the yet to be published "kirith" novels

she's also featured in a _dictionary of literary biography, vol. 52_, and
_contemporary authors, new revision series number 64_

then of course there're damien's robin page and robin's own page,

if anyone can add anything to this list, please tell me, cuz i've been
slacking in my fan-adoration lately!:-)

take care,
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Received on Sun Sep 3 19:33:34 2000

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