McKinley: nuns

From: Betty <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 06:23:48 PDT

any good books about nuns?!?:)

In This House of Brede and Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy, both by Rumor Godden
(anything by her is worth the read), Twenty and Ten (by Claire Bishop, a juv.

Carol Ann O'Marie and Veronica Black both have mystery series about nuns that
are very good. Monica Quill has one, too, but I haven't tried it yet.

I haven't read it, but this one sounds interesting: Your Life Is Worth Mine :
How Polish Nuns Saved Hundreds of Jewish Children in German-Occupied Poland,
1939-1945 by Ewa Kurek, et al.

Also, there are dozens of books about Mother Teresa that would be worth
looking into. Here's just one: Mother Teresa : A Complete Authorized Biography
by Kathryn Spink

(Can you tell I know a lot more about nuns than witches? <grin> As a teen, I
wanted to be both at one time or another, but now only the godly life of the
nun attracts me. Of course, I'm married and not Catholic... minor details,
right? But a life dedicated to God is a life worth living, IMHO.


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