Since you're discussing that i really like is Melanie
Rawn...those books are long but they're really good...she tends to write
slowly though so there's a long lag between books...I did start the
sword of truth series by brooks and those are very long and pretty
good...i haven't had time to finish the books...i also liked the robin
hobb assassin's series...
Betty wrote:
> >I also see terry brooks(sp?) novels all over the place - i
> > haven't read any but i get the impression he's just very commercial...what
> do y'all think?
> well, I don't know. I HATED Jordan, but I really liked Brooks' Landover
> series. The first one is Magic Kingdom for Sale - Sold! Try them. I also liked
> the Joel Rosenberg series, Guardians of the Flame. Let me know what you think
> of that one.
> Betty
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