Re: McKinley: vonda mcintyre / terri windling

From: Arahasae <>
Date: Tue May 11 1999 - 22:31:46 PDT

happened to come across McIntyre's books. They had a bunch of autographed
copies of "The Moon and the Sun" which won the Nebula, and while I was
paging through it, I noticed McKinley had a blurb in it saying she loved
it. So, as I trust her judgement, I bought it. McIntyre has written a
bunch of books, including Dreamsnake, which won the Nebula, Hugo, and
Locus awards.
        Here is a full list of her books, as taken from the inside cover
of the one I bought tonight--not including her 5 Star Trek books.

in The Starfarers Series:
The Exile Waiting
Fireflood and Other Stories
The Entropy Effect
The Moon and the Sun (this is the one about an alternate history & France)

        Several of these appeared to be rather sci-fi-ish, which can be
good or bad. Anyway, has anyone read any of these? I figure she has to
have SOMETHING in common with McKinley...


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Received on Tue May 11 22:33:47 1999

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