McKinley: video tape about robin!

From: Cameron Lynn <>
Date: Thu Dec 03 1998 - 09:00:30 PST

i was just looking up robin at to order the illustrated version
of _stone fey_, and found they have a video tape for sale called "talk with
robin mckinley"!!!:):):) it came out in october, costs $50, and takes 4 to
6 weeks to deliver(it's special order so it may not be available at all :()
and i think it's only about 20 minutes long...of course i ordered it,
though! has anyone else seen it? does anyone know if it's available through
libraries?(i'm sure they won't have it at my library, but maybe i could get
it through inter-library loan - i don't know if i can wait 6 weeks for it
to arrive in the mail!)


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