McKinley: Deerskin warnings?

From: Damien R. Sullivan <>
Date: Thu May 28 1998 - 15:41:08 PDT

I got this e-mail today. I find the site does imply a dark aspect to the
book, and don't think I would have wanted to know what would happen when I
first read the books. Should I put up something more explicit?

-xx- Damien X-)

Dear Damien Sullivan
     I have read many of Robin's books (Beauty, The Blue Sword, The Hero
and the Crown, A Knot in the Grain, Rose Daughter) and have really liked 
them.  I have also read Dearskin.  It was a totaly unexpected surprise.  It 
was NOT a nice one.  I got the title from your Robin McKinley web site and 
nowhere do you mention that it is about a girl who runs away becouse her
father rapes her.  This is NOT a book for children or young adults; I am
16.  It is a very dramatic and emotional book.  It is very well writen but I
find that makes it even worse.  PLEASE put a warning by the title of the book
on your site.  I have been reading Robin's book since I was 9 and am very glad
I did not come across Dearskin any earlier.  It is not a book I would like to
see any 9 year old tricked into reading and not only is there no warning on
your web site, there is no warning on the book it's self.  I repeat:  PLEASE
put a warning on your site.
I got this e-mail today.  I find the site does imply a dark aspect to the
book, and don't think I would have wanted to know what would happen when I
first read the books.  Should I put up something more explicit?
-xx- Damien X-) 
Dear Damien Sullivan
     I have read many of Robin's books (Beauty, The Blue Sword, The Hero
and the Crown, A Knot in the Grain, Rose Daughter) and have really liked 
them.  I have also read Dearskin.  It was a totaly unexpected surprise.  It 
was NOT a nice one.  I got the title from your Robin McKinley web site and 
nowhere do you mention that it is about a girl who runs away becouse her
father rapes her.  This is NOT a book for children or young adults; I am
16.  It is a very dramatic and emotional book.  It is very well writen but I
find that makes it even worse.  PLEASE put a warning by the title of the book
on your site.  I have been reading Robin's book since I was 9 and am very glad
I did not come across Dearskin any earlier.  It is not a book I would like to
see any 9 year old tricked into reading and not only is there no warning on
your web site, there is no warning on the book it's self.  I repeat:  PLEASE
put a warning on your site.
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Received on Thu May 28 22:42:58 1998

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