Robin McKinley

From: Lee, Linda <>
Date: Wed May 13 1998 - 14:23:31 PDT

One of our students needs a picture of Robin McKinley for a school
project. Do you know where we might find one? We have tried the Junior
Book of Authors and the internet. Thanks so much for your help.
--- End of forwarded message from "Lee, Linda" <>

-xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-)
From: "Lee, Linda" <>
Subject: Robin McKinley

One of our students needs a picture of Robin McKinley for a school
project. Do you know where we might find one? We have tried the Junior
Book of Authors and the internet. Thanks so much for your help.
--- End of forwarded message from "Lee, Linda" <>

-xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-)
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Received on Wed May 13 21:24:42 1998

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