Re: McKinley: Stone Fey

From: ShanChan <>
Date: Thu Apr 02 1998 - 08:19:46 PST

On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Cimmorene wrote:

> I thought she had to leave because she knew their relationship could not go
> any deeper than a surface level. Maybe I'll read it again, it's been a while.

This is another of those times that McKinley's characters seem to shy away
from any magic, lest they lose some of their soul. Reading her books for
such a long time has given me a rather ambivalent outlook on magic, as if
it is just better that it is not around since it always seems to come at a
price. Although I would like to see something magical sometime, (that
wouldn't appear on Magic's Secrets Revealed!! specials) I don't know if I
wouldn't be more leery than I would have been as a kid before I discovered
her books.
 Any thoughts, anyone?

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sometimes offered it, not happily, for less. But it is not
only my life, and you have not asked, but taken." -Captain Kirk

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Received on Thu Apr 2 16:20:03 1998

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