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not-quite-random ramblings

Cool, somebody replied to that one I posted before! Lhurgoyf, by the way, is one of my favorite characters in Magic. Oh yeah, Cameron, I am a would B writer, and am always lookin' for someone w/ knowledge and/or interest in the genre to read what I've writin so far. (which is not a whole lot) Anywho, when you get your address, would you mind if I send you a copy of some of it? Please? Oh yeah, one more thing. Somebody asked if Deerskin took place before or after Hero. It's after, 'cuz at one point it mentions Aerin, ands says something like "but that was along time ago." See you folks later, Lhurgoyf.

From: Lhurgoyf
Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 20:14:36 (EDT)