a comment about this subject.
From: Carrie
Amanda one more time
I'm all for someone ANYONE trying to update change move etc. I'll o it myself on my Linfield accont if I have to, or I have one at Geocities that is pretty much begiing to be used. If you don't want to do it Cheryl, I will, because this is all driving me crazy, with the limits we've got on it, and while I'm not sure how to do everything, I can think of lots of things I'd like to see done(ie archiving of older posts, a reply button or something so that we don't have to backbrowse constantly, etc...) so, if you want it, GO FOR IT! I think it is safe to say Amanda has lost interst in the site.
Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 19:48:07 (EST)