a comment about this subject.
From: cameron lynn
robin also mentions changelings in her newbery speech, but in case she never gets around to writing a book about one, does anyone else know any good books about changelings(besides a midsummer night's dream or peter pan)? there are plenty of books about them listed in my library's computer catalogue but most of them are out of print, which is a problem for me since i need to actually buy the books i read, not just borrow them from the library, otherwise i can't write in the margins or underline or generally mark up my favorite parts of the story. i've found one good book called _the moorchild_ but that's about it...has anyone read a book by anne mccaffrey called _get off the unicorn_(i think it's also out of print)? while i'm at it, does anyone know any good books about selkies or feral children(just a couple of the other subjects i'm obsessed with at the moment)?
none til fall
Wednesday, August 20, 1997 at 15:11:13 (EDT)