a comment about this subject.
From: Jennie Row
Aerin is a true Heroine!!!
I recently read Hero and the Crown, and I just wanted to say, it was the best book I have ever read. I especially loved the fact that a GIRL was the heroine rather that the guy. In most of these adventure stories, the males are doning all the fighing and saving lives while the girl plays the role of"damsel in ditress" . I absolutely dislike those books. I am a strong supporter of women's rights, and I think that the "helpless" role females play in books relay the wrong message to girls of today. We need books like Hero to remind us that we, too can be heros, can be Aerins of today. Aerin's courage and strength is an inspiration to us all. I think Robin McKinley is a genius to write of such a unique heroine. Another thing I love about Hero is how descriptive and true the story is. Ms. McKinley has a talent for capturing the realness, the feelings, the despair, and the hope. One of my favorite parts is when Luthe tells Aerin of her legacy and her double destiny. Who else but Robin McKinley can convey such emotions, can weave such a creative, unique tale? I truly love this book, and if you haven't read it yet, I strongly recommend it!!
Wednesday, July 02, 1997 at 14:08:07 (EDT)