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Is that how it ends ?
Does Beauty become become beautiful at the end or is she just seeing herself as he sees her ? Apart from the obvious growing up bits of course. Two things to say: 1. I agree, I've always thought the story a bit of a let down, not because of Beauty, but because of the Beast - this obviously applies to the fairy story, not to R.K.'s version alone - if poor Beauty falls in love with a Beast why should she end up with a prince ? It's hardly necessary. But maybe symbolic. 2. The fact that Beauty ends up beautiful (whether really or in her own mind) is really a classic story of growing up when you learn to live with how you are not with what your sisters are like or what you want to be. Also, I suppose it is classical female fantasy (quite apart from the strong protector in a magnificent castle) to one day wake up and be beautiful I know *I* keep waiting for it to happen !
From: Anna
Monday, November 11, 1996 at 10:55:15 (EST)