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Movie Casting tips

If Bradd Pitt or Clair Danes get anywhere near the Blue Sword I'm going to boycott the movie. ~g~ Harry and Aerin both need really strong women, none of this teenage bimbo know if it was Clair Danes she'd be running around in some kind of Frank Frazetta chain-mail bikini. THough I guess that sort of depends on the director too. Carry Elwes came to my mind for Luthe too...but he's sort of... too stocky. I think of luthe as being sort of... wraith-like, you know? And what about other characters? Who would play Mathin, who is just so very cool? I think Bruce Willis would make a good Corlath is a quandary... Anyway. I'm not really saying they *should* make a movie, I'm just throwing my two cents in...though it could be really cool...who directed The English Patient? Maybe it's just all that desert talking, but I could really see the Blue Sword done that way. Such beautiful light. The trouble with this question is just that nobody who exists in real life can be half as good as the people in our minds. And the special effects, of course, would fall utterly short. :-)

From: Quiet Aran
Monday, November 17, 1997 at 00:10:16 (EST)