Medusa, Cynthia McQuillin Once I did great beauty crave It was the gift the goddess gave I served her in the temple square Until Poseidon saw me there Chorus: Be not a beauty proud or vain, For mortal maid it will be your bane. The gods are jealous of love and power Break faith we're told and we rue the hour But mortal flesh can stir desire That kindles even immortal fire Chorus: Be not a beauty proud or vain, For mortal maid it will be your bane. To Aphrodite sworn was I, But how could I a god deny? She cursed me infidel forsworn And my great beauty she deformed Chorus: Be not a beauty proud or vain, For mortal maid it will be your bane. The years go by, my hatred grows For all that lives and loves and knows Despised and feared I dwell alone Now my face can turn a man to stone Chorus: Be not a beauty proud or vain, For mortal maid it will be your bane.