SUMMARY: Buffy's angst.
FEEDBACK: I've been getting such nice feedback on my other poems. I'd love to hear what you all think of this one as well. =)

A Moment

by: Allison

In that moment
I loved him more than I ever did before
A returning of the thing I wanted
I had prayed to every God I knew that I would see that light again

His eyes dark and morbid
Deep with the burden of devilish acts
He was an angel standing on precarious grace
Even the most cautious soul can slip off of its precipice

In that moment
I loved him again and I wondered
Is there any other way at all
For me to make this right?

As I saw the destruction of earth rise behind us
I answered my own question
The one thing that I had left
Was now nothing but a duty to fulfill

I felt my heart harden into cold acceptance
And the handle of the sword even colder in my palm
I have never loved anyone
As much as I loved him in that moment
And now I pray to God that I never feel that love again

In that moment
I loved him more than I ever had before
He had taken my heart and he had taken my body
But in that moment, he took my soul

Goes to Allison

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