CONTENT: A little angst maybe, that's all.
SPOILER WARNINGS: For Becoming, of course
SUMMARY: Willow gets a letter from Buffy
PREREQUISITE DISCLAIMER: None of these characters belong to me. They all belong to Mutant Enemy (argh) Productions. This is an work of idle fantasy and I'm not making any cash off this thing (which is kinda sad) and thereby ask and beg no one to sue me. It's an act of futility.

Dear Willow

By: Rossco

Dear Willow:

I'm sorry that I left without saying good-bye. Everything just sort of happened and I had to leave. I wanted to say good-bye or something but it hurt too much. I know that you know what I'm talking about.

I feel kind of like a heel for taking this long to send a letter to you, but I have just settled in enough to have some spare time. Actually, that's not really true. I've had the time but it took until now to stop crying and feeling sorry for myself.

There are three things that I want to tell you. There are more questions that I would like to ask you but there is no way for you to get an answer to me. I'd like to be able to be able to put a receiving address on this, honest, but I am wanted for murder. I know that you would lie and try and cover for me, but I don't want to put you in that position. You could get charged with lying to a police officer or something, and I don't want that to happen. This way you can tell that awful detective Stein that you honestly don't know where I am.

Oh, I gave this letter to a truck driver, who promised me that he would mail it when he got to Denver. That's not where I am, by the way. Also, the bus I took only went as far as Sacramento. From there I hitched with about a dozen different people, so you can't track me that way, either. And don't worry, I was careful with the rides I picked and no one tried anything. Well, one guy did but the nurse tells me his wrist will heal fine.

Anyway, the first thing I wanted to tell you is that that I'm all right, honest. I still wake up crying every night but I really am OK. I'm not hurt, at least physically, and I'm doing fine for cash. I hope mom forgives me for taking her stash of emergency money. I used it for the bus ticket and pawned some of my jewelry for food and stuff. I'm working as a waitress in a truck stop cafe, the morning shift, and I have to say that I never knew there were so many ways to cook eggs. Golly.

Seriously, though, it feels good to do something routine. I know that I'm not going to get much of that in my life so I'm enjoying this while I can. After fighting for my life and trying to save the world, knowing that the worst thing I have to worry about is whether or not Big Leo's eggs are burnt is a nice change of pace.

I'm not totally forgetting my 'other job', in case you were wondering. (Giles, take a bow) I work mornings on purpose, because it leave my evenings free. After Spike, Angelus and the Master, though, I have to tell you that the vamps here are totally lame.

The second thing I want to tell you that you were right to recast the spell. I'm not angry with you or anything. I got to say good-bye to him and tell him that I loved him, and that was worth what I had to do to close the portal. Also, I want to tell Xander that he was right, too. I'm guessing that the 'something he had to tell me' was about you and the spell, but he was right not to. I had to fight Angelus off with all my heart and soul, and I could not have done that if I was holding back because I was waiting for him to become my honey again.

Xander, I know you're reading this, so don't let what I just said go to your head. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Will, I guess the thing I want to say is that I hope you don't hold my leaving like this against me. Not just because of the murder thing, but I HAD to leave. You were in a coma, Xander was in a cast and Angel...you know. It didn't help that mom had just kicked me out and that Herr Snyder expelled me. It's something I had to do for me; it has nothing to do with you.

Give everyone my love. I hope you and Oz get lots of smoochies and the same with Xander and Cordelia as well.


P.S.: I know that you are reading this as well, Giles. Hi. You really should try to find a guy called Whistler. The last place I saw him was in your house the night everything happened. He says he's an immortal demon and I think that he would really be a wet dream for you. Don't feel you let me down as a Watcher or anything. I think this solo gig is part of my destiny. It just feels right.

P.P.S: I really would like to see you guys again sometime, but I don't think that's gonna happen with the cops after me. Are there any Watcher Lawyers out there? Does 'yeah, but he was a vampire' hold up in a court of law? Maybe it does in Transalvania...

See ya for real this time.
The Buffster

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