McKinley: princess tales/dark crystal/puss n' boots

From: <>
Date: Thu Jul 08 1999 - 16:41:17 PDT

does anyone know if gail carson levine's "the princess tales" are any good?
(i think she has three books out so far - _ella enchanted_, _the fairy's
mistake_, and _the princess test_)

does anyone know where i can find the soundtrack to "the dark crystal"?
(amazon and borders don't have it). are there any other good
faerie-tale-type movie soundtracks around?(so far i have the soundtracks to
"the princess bride," "legend," "the neverending story," "the last unicorn,"
and "labyrinth," and have just ordered the one to "lady hawke," so i think
"the dark crystal" is the only one i'm missing...)

lastly, can someone please give me a brief synopsis of "puss n' boots"? as a
cat lover i feel that i should know the story, but i'm too lazy to actually
go get the book from the library...
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Received on Thu Jul 8 16:46:39 1999

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