McKinley: Robin on tape or video

From: Betty <>
Date: Sun Jun 06 1999 - 14:02:54 PDT (Marie Bowen) wrote:
> I just joined the list. I love Robin's books. My favorite is Beauty.
> her characters are so rich. They seem to exist as real people who lived
> instead of the typical two-dimensioal characters often seen in novels
> and fantasy.

Welcome, Marie! You are not alone... many of us on here think Beauty is
absolutely the best book ever! I even bought a copy to press upon people when
they say they've never read it:"Oh, but you HAVE to... here, borrow mine!"

To those of you on here that would like either audiobooks of Robin's for
trips, walking, etc. or a video of her talking about herwriting, here is some

The Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword are both available on audiobooks
from Recorded Books, Inc. They are 8 tapes long and cost $69.00 each. The yare
not read by her, though. This company has lots of good books on tape and will
send you the first tape of any book free, to prove to you their quality is
good. The company's phone number is 800-638-1304. they have a web site, too,

The video can be obtained from Tim Podell Productions, ph # 800-642-4181. It
is 20 min. long, cost $49.95 and was shot in her home in England. They also
have one of Madeleine L'Engle.



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Received on Sun Jun 6 14:04:19 1999

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