Re: McKinley: ursula/jane/patricia

From: Marcus Flavin <>
Date: Fri Jun 05 1998 - 08:29:23 PDT wrote:
> if you had to rate them in order of whom you liked best, how would you rate ursula leguin, jane yolen, and patricia mckillip(of course robin is #1)? i've never read anything much of theirs except the shortstories in _imaginary lands_ and ukl's _the left hand of darkness_, but i just got _a wizard of earthsea_, _briarrose_, and _the book of atrix wolfe_, so which authors/books should i read first(i.e. which are best)? (+ what other books of theirs should i read?)
Le Guin is no. 1, above McKinley in my opinion, she's an all time
classic. Read wizard of earthsea first, everyone should. I like McKillip
second of the three, but I wouldn't have chosen that as an introduction:
I'd have gone for Harpist in the Wind (oops, is that what its called,
I've forgotten). I like jane Yolen, but i don't think she's in their
Incidentally, I checked out a copy of Peter Dickinson's Dragon's book
(also forgotten title of that, mind like a sieve), v nice illustrated
book which *is* a reprint from several years ago. Sorry if that one's
already been cleared up by someone else, like I said, mind like a a
thing with holes in...
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Received on Fri Jun 5 15:29:34 1998

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