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Finding Amanda Ridder Redux

Damien said:
>[Getting the files off is] illegal or impolite, or they simply can't be bothered? (paraphrase)

The feeling I got from the e-mail was that they either *couldn't* access them without her permission (and remember she had her own domain for a while, so it's possible she had that kind of authority) or else they just *wouldn't.* In either case, they won't be much help.
So... I understand that I have 10 MB free disk space on our Carleton server, which I think I'd be willing to donate. However, as you can probably tell from the tentative tone of this message, I know nothing of Perl or discussion board maintenance or how much space a site like this occupies; but I do know HTML fairly well, and I'm willing to learn everything else (or learn how to build from the ground up). I'd actually prefer the latter option, because I'd really like to rework the format of these pages -- visit the discussion boards at
the Republic of Pemberley's discussion boards for a model of what I'd like to try.) There. The offer is made. The question is, what now?

From: Cheryl K
Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 16:27:47 (EST)