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george mcdonald

George McDonald's other work is definitly worth reading. He's got a beautiful writing style, and a lot of interesting ideas, especially about religion. His work is full of Christian references, but it's very well done - he reminds me of Madeleine L'Engle in some ways, and that's _very_ high praise. He did write _The Princess and the Goblin_, and _The Princess and Curdie_ (which is just as good, if not better, than the first book), as well as some other fairy-tale like stuff - I don't remember any names offhand. I found _The Light Princess_ through the Toronto public library system, so that's no help to you, but honestly, Cameron, don't sweat over it. Find a George McDonald original - I couldn't see any differences between Robin's version and his.

From: Robin K.
Saturday, September 27, 1997 at 13:03:26 (EDT)