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Finding Amanda Ridder

Well, if she's no longer at the school, they may delete the account soon. I wonder what "can't send the files" means; think it'd be illegal or impolite, or just can't be bothered? Simple solution is to start at the top and patiently save each and every file in HTML form, and hope they refer to each other relatively, not absolutely. Or I might be able to write a Perl script to suck it all off.

Caveats: I do *not* have free disk space at the moment; someone else will have to host a mirrored site. I'm also not sure if I can get at the source of her Perl scripts. Still there'd be partial continuity.

Anyone want to firmly offer a site?

(Well, I might have space on a side account, actually. It probably won't last more than some months, though.)

From: Damien R. Sullivan
Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 02:31:41 (EDT)