Subject: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - German Edition
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 12:15:10 +0100

Hi Damien,

I just bought the German Buffy tVs board game. I was really excited because I liked the reviews I read on To my disappointment, however, the German edition is quite different to the English even though they appear very similar at first. There are four scenarios to choose from, one player takes the side of the villain, you have colored combat dice, you move around Sunnydale and try to find clues about the villain's goals and stuff. Nevertheless, there are many differences, that I don't want to go into detail here. Suffice to say that game play sucks. It's quite boring to play for the evil side, because you can only move one minion token per round which amounts to nothing, because you only have up to 12 rounds in play. And as long as the player characters stick together, they face no challenge at all. So, I wanted to ask you to if you could please update your FAQ and warn other gamers about the German and French edition of this boardgame. It is made by TilsitC9ditions and named "Buffy - Gefahr =FCber Sunnydale" = (German) or "Buffy - Menace sur Sunnydale" (French).

Lars Kobbe

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